Geographic Encyclopaedia of New South Wales
$30.00 – $50.00
This book has become an invaluable aid to family historians seeking details of NSW localities which were recorded on old family documents and which may not now be found on modern maps.
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This book, originally printed in 1892, has become an invaluable aid to family historians seeking details of NSW localities which were recorded on old family documents. Geographical place names evolve over the years such that many names, in use in 1892, can no longer be found on modern maps.
The original volume is now in the public domain, having been published over 120 years ago. The Newcastle Family History Society decided to re-publish the book before the few rare copies remaining in research libraries deteriorate beyond further use.
In 2004 the original book was scanned using OCR software. Following the efforts of Society members to eradicate errors introduced by this process, the text was converted to Adobe® Acrobat® files suitable for distribution both as a very large book and as a CD version. Pagination varies slightly from that found in the original book. In 2023 the 2004 files were converted so the publication is now available as a download. The download version is recommended.
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