Newcastle Family History Society Inc.

Acknowledgement of Country

Newcastle Family History Society acknowledges the First Nations peoples and we pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge the people of the Awabakal and Worimi nations, the traditional custodians of the land on which our Society is based. NFHS also acknowledges and pays respect to the other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations from whose lands our members and readers are drawn.

About the Newcastle Family History Society

The Society was formed in 1983 and operates from the former Mechanics Institute at 68 Elder Street, Lambton. Membership is open to anyone interested in their own family history, Hunter Valley history and family history or history in general – no matter where they live. Society activities for both members and members and friends are organised.

The Society has a dedicated group of elected and voluntary members who make decisions to help the Society run smoothly and effectively. This team is very open to new ideas so if you have any suggestions please send an email to the secretary or post a message in the Suggestion Box at the front desk. The Management team would welcome others who would like to join them.

Our Library houses a great number of books, journals, maps, microfilm and microfiche records, CD and USB records, indexes, cemetery transcripts and local and family histories. Our computers have access to Find My Past and wifi is freely available throughout our rooms. The Society researches and writes publications of significance to family historians and produces a Journal four times a year. 

We accept donations of material in accordance with our Library Collections Policy so even if you are not a member we can assess images, books and research material that you may be considering sending to the dump. This is especially important for specific research into a particular family that will be very valuable.

Join Our Society

The Newcastle Family History Society Inc. exists to provide support and encouragement for those interested in family history.

Our society encourages the exchange of ideas and knowledge in a supportive atmosphere.

Society News & Events


NFHS YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel The NFHS YouTube channel is now being used to house recordings of our general meeting guest speakers. This will provide the opportunity for those unable to

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Library and Meeting Rooms:
Former Mechanics Institute
68 Elder Street
Lambton NSW 2299

Library Opening Hours:
Thursday: 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am to 3:00pm

1st Tuesday of the month February-November

April-September Meetings:
2:00pm to 3:30pm

October-March Meetings:
7:30pm to 9:00pm