Newcastle Family History Society Inc.


What Are You Looking At?

In this series, Jane Ison critically scrutinises the records pertaining to the boys and girls admitted to the Industrial Schools and Reformatories of NSW – the Vernon for boys and Newcastle, Biloela and Shaftesbury for girls.

Episode 1 The Register of Warrants

Episode 1 focuses on the main admission register for girls – The Register of Warrants (NRS-14722).

Episode 2 The Discharge Register

In the second of this series of podcasts on the suite of records connected to the Industrial Schools and Reformatories in NSW in the 19th century, Jane Ison will discuss the benefits and limitations of the Discharge Register located in State Records Kingswood (NRS-14723).

Episode 3 Admissions to the Vernon

In this episode of “What are you looking at?”, Jane Ison takes an in-depth look at the records of the first boys’ school, the Industrial School Ship Vernon, how researchers can locate these resources and the difficulties that may be encountered when using them.